How to Have Helpful Conversations: An Event with Dr. Sameh Younan

Medico Legal Specialists and the Navigator Group invite you to a captivating event on September 5th at 12:30 PM. In line with this year’s R U OK? Day, Dr. Sameh Younan, a distinguished psychiatrist and family therapist, will present on how to respond effectively when someone opens up and what to say if a person is not quite ready yet.
R U OK? day has significantly raised awareness about the thousands of people attend work each day suffering alone in silence. It has also fostered and initiated the start of hundreds of many helpful conversations.
Unfortunately, not everyone who is asked if they’re okay feels ready to open up or are able to talk, with many unsure what they would say if they did. The result of this is that many potentially helpful conversations never end up taking place.
Despite the progress thousands of people continue to suffer. We invite you to join us so that we can keep the responsible conversations going.
To register for this event, please click through to the following link: How to Have Helpful Conversations: Presented by Dr Sameh Younan
Let’s continue to make a difference, one conversation at a time.