Frequently Asked Questions

We can help you.
Typically, medical assessment appointments will take between 30-90 minutes.
Once the appointment is made, you will be given information including the doctor’s name, the location details and the time of your appointment. Please make sure you allow plenty of time to arrive at the clinic. It is recommended you aim to arrive a little early so you feel relaxed during the consultation.
You will have received all essential information from your insurer, employer or legal contact.
The medical assessment appointment usually comprises an interview and a physical examination. You may be asked to partially undress as part of the physical examination however you will be provided with gowns and/or sheets to protect your modesty. All of our doctors are experienced and highly qualified specialists in their field. While they are unable to provide you with advice on the treatment of your condition, they will treat you with respect and empathy.

You can expect the consulting specialist to ask about:

All of these questions are designed to understand your situation and how your condition is affecting your life.

The consulting doctor cannot give you advice about your condition or your treatment options. He/she is simply there to assess your overall condition and provide an assessment to the organisation that arranged the referral. This organisation may be an insurance company or legal firm.

Speak to your treating physician if you would like a second opinion on your medical condition or treatment options.

You can always contact us, our experts are ready to help you.