How To Have Helpful Conversations | Recording

On September 5th, an insightful presentation was delivered by Dr. Sameh Younan, a psychiatrist and family therapist, in line with this year’s R U OK? Day. Dr. Younan’s presentation ‘How to Have Helpful Conversations’ shared valuable strategies for responding effectively when someone opens up about their struggles and what to say when someone isn’t quite ready to talk.

This event served as a powerful reminder of the importance of continuing those life-changing conversations. Dr. Younan addressed the often-overlooked challenge of engaging with those who may be struggling but aren’t ready to open up yet. His presentation provided attendees with practical advice on how to navigate these delicate situations while keeping the door open for future conversations.

Missed the event? The recording is now available! We encourage everyone to watch, share, and continue fostering supportive conversations in their workplaces and communities.

Together, we can make a difference—one conversation at a time.    

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